Sunday 31 July 2016

Remove Tartar And Clean Your Teeth With This Simple, At Home Trick

When it comes to teeth, I think that humans get the short end of the stick. We only have one set, so if we lose any of them, they're gone forever.
Why can't we be like sharks? Then we'd have at least a few sets of teeth, just in case something goes wrong and we lose our first set.
But in all seriousness, dental hygiene should be at least somewhat of a priority in your life. You need those teeth in proper, working condition, because without them, the whole mechanical side of digestion starts to fail (and that's not a good thing).
Tartar is the stuff that gets layered onto our teeth over time if we do not clean them regularly. In extreme cases, it's been seen to cause tooth decay and even gum disease. And we know how expensive the dentist can be, so a quick trick for cleaning your teeth of any tartar build up should come in handy.
Okay, the solution. Grab a cup, some baking soda, salt, hydrogen peroxide, water, a dental pick, a toothpick, and a bit of antiseptic mouthwash.

5 Simple Phrases People Use To Manipulate You

People who have mastered the art of manipulation are some of the most elaborate story weavers, "misdirecter's", evasive, and annoying people in the entire world.
They know just what to say, how to say it, who to say it too, and what to do with them afterwards all in order to get what they want. These people have little to no concern for people's feelings or their lives all together.
You are but a minor inconvenience for the thing that they want most out of you.
Just so you know what to look for when it comes to dealing with a manipulative person, you should be aware of these common misdirection's that they give people once they have set their eye's on something they want.

1. "Don't Overreact"

Often times a manipulative person will tell you that you are overreacting to what they want from you. They will try to play it off as if they weren't asking anything from you at all.
Most of the time they will overreact themselves if you continue to deny them whatever it is they are looking for. Do not give in, you are not overreacting, they simply want to see you cave in to their needs.

2. "Don't Be Dramatic"

Following up with saying not to overreact, they will tell you to not be dramatic at them. Unfortunately, this scenario is already dramatic with them prying whatever information they can from you.
It is important that you see them as being the dramatic ones and do not pander to their little manipulative games.

3. "Don't Be So Sensitive"

Just by saying this, this person is already demonstrating that they do not care for your feelings for the situation. Regardless of whatever it is they are asking and you are not comfortable with it, you do not have to explain to them why you feel the way you do.
You do not have to entertain someone who isn't going to care whether you help them or not. Your feelings are more than valid and if they say not to help this person, then you shouldn't indulge.

4. "Don't Be Crazy"

If this person truly has the audacity to call you crazy or say don't be crazy after you say no to them, then you will want to address this immediately. Do not give into their games no matter what they try to tell you or how you're acting.
If you being "crazy" is a rational response to their wants or needs, then there is probably a good reason why you're feeling that way. You are not crazy, you are thinking clearly more than ever. If anyone should be claimed crazy it is them.

5. "Don't Misunderstand Me"

Often times the manipulator will resort to saying this final sentence of "do not misunderstand my intentions." Unfortunately, there is no other way to interpret the things that they want from you.
They have already misunderstood you when it comes to your wants and needs by harassing you for something for their own personal gain.
You have not misunderstood anything at all. You do not owe this person a single thing. Not even the time that you are spending with them at this present moment.
If you are living a life with a person who often manipulates you or others, you may have to address this toxic behavior and then remove yourself from their presence entirely.
There are no compromises, there is no talking it through, there is no coming to an understanding, and if they really want these things from you that badly, they are going to have to go find it from someone else.

Saturday 30 July 2016

The Psychology Of Color: A Feng Shui Expert Explains

The Psychology Of Color: A Feng Shui Expert Explains Hero Image
Color is one of the most effective ways to shift the energy in your life. From the color of your underwear to the color you paint your walls, colors not only affect your well-being, but they also have significant meaning. Yes, even the color of your underwear!
As a feng shui practitioner and an architect, I always get asked “What color should I paint my walls?” I respond with, “What color are you most attracted to?” So in approaching this survey of colors and the feng shui psychology behind them, keep that in mind. What colors do you love, and what might you need more of in your life?
Red is an easy one. Red is related to fire energy. This color can invoke passion and fiery flames of inspiration. It's pretty intense! It's quite a statement when a woman walks into a room wearing a red dress. Because reds are very stimulating, in a home I'd recommend red for accents like pillows and art.
You can also use red sheets underneath a more subdued duvet to bring more passion into the bedroom. Alternatively, wearing red underwear can spice things up! Red is also very auspicious (lucky!) and protective in feng shui.
Pinks however, are a more mellow and/or romantic version of red, more feminine and subdued. Pink can attract love and friendship into your life. It supports a feminine, girly energy. I find a lot of us need a little more softness; pink can help!
Yellows, oranges, and browns are earthy and related to stability in feng shui. The earth is always under us to support us, isn't she? When we need some security and strength, these are the colors to incorporate into our environments.
These warm tones reflect the colors of nature such as the trunk of a strong tree or the richness of fertile soil. We tend to lead such independent lives nowadays, it's a good reminder to remember that we can ask for and receive support when we need it.
Greens and blues are also related to nature. The vibrant tones of greens and blues can mirror verdant plants and a spacious open sky. Nature and open sky, these things are really so very healing. In nature, the plants and trees just are. They don't ask us for anything, but they give us so much, like the oxygen in the air we breathe.
It's no surprise that blue and green hues are healing and therapeutic. In fact, studies show that the colors blue and green fall in the middle of the color spectrum, which is more relaxing for the eyes. You can bring in these colors beautifully with paint but even better with real plants!
Purple is also an auspicious color in feng shui, as it is related to wealth andabundance as well as spirituality. For instance, purple is the color of the crown chakra, which is where we connect with wisdom and the universal. Royalty is often associated with purple, as is the wealth area of the feng shui map.
Interestingly, purple is a combination of red and blue, which joins protection and fire with spaciousness and healing. I love to bring in this color with amethyst crystals. You can wear or place them in your environment to invite prosperity and nobility into your life.
Black is actually not a color; it absorbs all colors. If you mixed together all the colors above, you’d be left with black paint. In a sense, then, black represents wisdom and incorporates all aspects of all colors. In some feng shui rituals, we visualize that all unhealthy negative energy is transmuted into black smoke.
The black has absorbed all the negativity. Black can be used sparingly and tastefully in a home but can also be worn on the body. I especially love incorporating black tourmaline, which also transforms negative energies and provides protection. Gray tones are more subdued than black but can still welcome knowledge and wisdom.
White often represents purity in many cultures and philosophies, including feng shui. Like black, it’s not a color. With paints it’s an absense of pigments or can represent space, openness,and emptiness. I love whites! And there are so many shades that Benjamin Moore even has a whites paint deck!
White can also be used to tone down any of the other colors above. Whites can be used when we want to check back in with ourselves and start with a blank slate. White helps us to connect back to space and emptiness, giving us a place to start again.

New Research Says Sound Is The Future Of Medicine

We all know that music plays a key role in our lives and as well as the way we feel. What if there was a way that we could musically treat ourselves?
Luckily, with, this software is able to embed brainwave stimulation into audio which essentially creates a sound that you conjure yourself entirely with the way you feel.
However, you must find your true intention going into in order for it to truly pinpoint the factor of stress that you need help dealing with. has been researched/developed for a number of years as well as being studied, processed, endless hours of a success with their pilot, and EEG analyses from neuroscientists, has become quite the popular experience for people.
However, it is important that is not to be compared to binaural beats. Instead, this kind of software is AI based as well as the music being formed to the results that you desired most from the software.
Meaning that you wanted to try the program for sleeping, focus, relaxation, etc. you would then soon begin seeing results within less than ten minutes of your time. It's also a good idea to invest in a pair of headphones as for the best results possible.
It's also a pretty good idea to keep in mind that whichever sessions that you choose should be applied as such. To give you an example, they recommend if you are going to try the "Focus" session that you keep your eyes open while you are reading, studying, or working for at least 15-30 minutes.
To give you another example, if you decided to choose the "Relaxation" session then it would be wise of you to try it as you're coming home from work, soothing any kind of anxiety, or if you meditate would be a good time to try that session out. The software recommends that you listen to the music with your eyes closed. 
If you decide that you really like the program and that you wish to upgrade to the "Pro" membership, then you will also be able to thoroughly chart your progress as to which sessions benefited you the most as well as the ones that didn't.
The chart will change according to how you react to each session through your daily routine.
This experiment/product has attracted the eyes of various other researchers who are entirely fascinated with the impact that music has on our brains. New York Times has even declared:
"Now researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have devised a radical new approach to brain imaging that reveals what past studies had missed. By mathematically analyzing scans of the auditory cortex and grouping clusters of brain cells with similar activation patterns, the scientists have identified neural pathways that react almost exclusively to the sound of music — any music. It may be Bach, bluegrass, hip-hop, big band, sitar or Julie Andrews. A listener may relish the sampled genre or revile it. No matter. When a musical passage is played, a distinct set of neurons tucked inside a furrow of a listener's auditory cortex will fire in response. "
Luckily, allows you to test the software for seven free sessions so that you are able to understand how it works, see if the software is something you're interested in, and also lets you test it more than once so that you can truly feel like you're not buying into something that won't benefit you.

Friday 29 July 2016

5 Ways To Clean Your Crystals & Set New Intentions For August

5 Ways To Clean Your Crystals & Set New Intentions For August Hero Image
Not so long ago, the mention of crystals would send some folk running for the hills bellowing "New Age nonsense" in their trembling wake. Those reverberations have all but dimmed, and today it seems most people have either a) been to a crystal shop and tried to set up camp—me at Stick Stone & Bone, Christopher Street, New York, b) carry one around day-to-day, or c) have a smattering on their bedside table.
Who isn't attracted to gemstones, I ask you? Precious minerals uplift the heart, and their physical brightness is what we think of when we hear the word that literally launched a thousand ships: crystal.
A crystal is a solid body with a geometrically regular shape, created as the earth formed, continuing to metamorphose as the planet itself has changed. If you've been reading my work on mbg, you'll know I'm a fan of not just the moon and the stars, but also clusters of wild rocks, gemstones, and the earth from whence they came; miniature storehouses containing the records of the development of the planet over millions of years, and bearing the indelible memory of the powerful forces that shaped them.
The more you understand about crystals, the more effective, so to speak, they will be. Dedicating and programming your crystals helps them to work more efficiently—a rite of passage when working with Nature. As crystals are powerful beings in their entirety, they need to be approached with respect. Just like human beings, it is said that crystals have memories and the ability to attract, absorb, and transmute energy. And just like human beings, they can store positive or negative vibrations from being used or abused, environmental toxins, and physical contact.
In the same way we bathe in Epsom or Dead Sea salts to clear the proverbial cobwebs, crystals need TLC to function optimally. Doing this regularly enables your crystals to 'talk to you,' and to show you how you can use them to enhance your life and wellbeing.
Spiritual counselor Ariel Spilsbury, who collaborated with the late and great holistic therapist Michael Bryner, wrote: "Take a quantum leap into the fluidity of unfixed beliefs and expanding realities. By flexibly choosing to move into the unknown, a complete and marvelous reordering of your world awaits you!"
The landscape of our celestial firmament right now is an auspicious time if ever there was one, to perform one of the following cleansing crystal rituals. Truly, these are stones for the Ages.

5 Ways To Clean Your Crystals

1) You can hold a crystal over (but not touching) the flame of a candle—obviously you know that a candle should never be left unattended.
2) You can smudge them with Native American herb bundles containing sage.
3) You can hold them under running water, or place them in a bowl of water to which you can add two drops of Bach Crab Apple Remedy for cleansing.
4) You can take them into the sea with you (my favorite) or make up your own little piece of the ocean with sea salt and water in a bowl.
5) You can place them directly in the sunlight or moonlight.

Setting Intentions

Dedicate your crystal—hold it in both hands and ask that it is purely for your highest good. If you want to use it for a specific purpose, hold it and say, "I attune this crystal for healing" or whatever you need help with—calming your thoughts, bringing clarity, assisting in study, dream recall.
The possibilities are absolutely endless. Breathe, repeat, and open your heart chakra all year long.
by Kayla Jacobs, mbg Beauty & Style Editor

5 Signs You NEED A Negative Energy Detox

As we go through our daily routines in life, there are bound to be moments of vulnerability where we feel nothing but negative emotions that cripple our mental and physical well being.
There are some moments where we decide that we no longer want to feel these kinds of negative emotions and therefore, must detox them from our body as well as our spirit.
Your emotional and physical health are entirely dependent on the way you think. So, if you find yourself in a constant negative rut, then your mind and body will be in this same rut until you get the motivation to fix it.

1. Relentless Need For Isolation

If you find yourself constantly fleeing from your friends or family simply to be alone by yourself, then this could be a major indication that you need a detox some negativity from yourself.
It's important that you know that people really do care for your well being and really want to spend time with you since they enjoy your company.
Isolation can be good for some things, but if you relentlessly seeking it, then you will never truly get rid of whatever is making you sad.

2. Hard On Others And Yourself

You do not have to beat yourself up over things that happened in the past. If you find yourself constantly making negative remarks on yourself and others, then this is an indication that you need to detox the negative feelings from yourself.
You need to recognize that we are all only human and that we all feel the exact same emotions. There is no need for you to be constantly finding flaws in yourself or the rest of the world. Love yourself and learn to love others for who they are.

3. Being With Others Or In Public Is Exhausting

If you become way too exhausted just from interacting with others or just by being in public in general, then it is time for you to have a detox of all your negative feelings.
You may feel exhausted from trying to understand what everyone is trying to tell you or give you, but you must also realize they are only doing this so they can get to know you better as a person. It is not because they wish to exhaust you but rather to understand you.

4. Always Feeling Anxious/Depressed

This is one of the more major indications that you need to detox all the negativity from your body and spirit, but if you are constantly feeling anxious or depressed, you must really look deep within yourself to find what true happiness means to you.
People care about you, they will help you understand the reasons why you feel the way you do, and there will always be others around to guide you down a path of acceptance as well as love.
It is important that you know people are willing to help and give you the support you need, but you have to be willing to claim your happiness again if you want them to continue doing so.

5. Always Angry

If you find yourself in an endless spiral of anger, then this is the chance for you to tame your temper and make a detox of all the negative things happening in your life.
Being in a constant rage is one of the most unhealthiest reactions to the world around you. By being angry, you let yourself be distant, without answers, and tend on doing more harm than good.
You need to learn how to tone your anger down, find the things that help you express that anger, and then cope with whatever is frustrating you so much.
These are all pretty big indications of someone needing a detox of negative feelings in their life. It can be easier said than done, but the more determined you are to repair what has been broken, the easier it will be to seek help from others who want you to do the same.
Let yourself be vulnerable, take everyday in strides, and do your best to find out what happiness means to you.

Thursday 28 July 2016

19 Real Life Examples of An Extroverted Introvert So You Don’t Get Confused

extroverted introvert 0
If you’re like me, you’re an extroverted introvert. You can be outgoing, yet you desperately need your alone time.
You can’t do that. You’re one or the other.
No, this is how I am. And that’s how many other people are. But we’re often misunderstood.
Take for instance, people often see me as completely, inarguably, extroverted because that’s the personality that gets the most attention. The other side of me, the side that stays home and reads all day, doesn’t get any attention (but I love doing that, take a look at my reading list if you don’t believe me).
Let me tell you what happened a few weekends ago.
I spent Saturday alone, reading, writing, getting errands done. At 8:54 pm, I got a text from a friend, asking what I was up to. He was making plans to go out. I responded, “Nothing. What’s up?”
Fifteen minutes passed and he didn’t respond. I wanted to go out and considered calling him to see what was happening, but also wanted to sit in bed and read a book before going to bed at 10 pm. So I didn’t call.
Another fifteen minutes passed and I finally made the call. It took half an hour and a significant amount of energy for me to put down my book, pick up my phone, and call him to figure out the plan for that night.
So instead of staying in and reading myself to sleep, I left my apartment at 9:30 pm to go out for drinks.
And you know what I did? I danced. And I was obnoxious. And I had tons of fun.
But the next day? I sat at a coffee shop and read a book. I did some grocery shopping, cooked, and ate alone while watching Netflix. I spoke to almost no one. I only texted my friend who I went out with the night before to see how he was doing. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. And I loved it.
So yes I’m outgoing. But not all the time.
The fact is, extroversion and introversion isn’t an either/or type of thing. It’s a spectrum and you can lie anywhere along that spectrum.
For us, we happen to be very close to the middle and even flip-flop between the two.
I know, it’s confusing.
Some of us learned to become more extroverted because we realize that the basis of human nature is grounded in interacting with each other – it’s kind of unavoidable.
To relieve you of some confusion, here are a few things we’d like you to know about extroverted introverts.

1. We’re often quiet, but it doesn’t mean we don’t want to talk.

We most likely have plenty of thoughts we want to talk about, but think that they won’t interest you. We’d rather listen to you talk because we want to learn about you and we know you’d enjoy talking.

2. And just because we like being around people doesn’t mean we want to talk.

Talking requires a lot of effort. For us, being around people is often enough to make us happy. I know, it’s a little confusing.

3. We like hanging out one on one better than in groups. We’ll listen to you forever.

One on one hangouts are more intimate and we like that. It means we get a chance to actually get to know you and have a thorough conversation about what we really care about instead of making small talk that an entire group can contribute to.

4. We suck at responding to texts because sometimes we don’t want to talk – to anyone.

It’s not that we hate people or that we’re annoyed. Sometimes we’ve just been around people so much that we’re exhausted from talking and texting and Skyping and we just don’t want to talk. We’re totally open to hanging out in person, just don’t expect us to talk too much when we’re in one of these moods.

5. We’re open to meeting your other friends. Just let us know ahead of time that we’ll be meeting new people so we can mentally prepare ourselves to socialize.

We’re not closed off to meeting new people, it’s just a very exhausting thing to do. So we literally have to prepare ourselves to socialize. We have to get into the mindset of, “Okay, I’m going to be talking a lot.”

6. Despite needing our alone time, we do get lonely.

It’s difficult to balance between alone time and not feeling lonely. Often we’ll want to go out because we feel alone, but our apartment is so comfortable that we won’t want to leave.

7. It’s hard to get us out, but we’ll have a great time when we go out.

Sometimes we’ll require some coercing to get us out of the house. Again, it’s not that we don’t want to go out, we just start thinking, “What if it’s not fun? I could totally be reading my book. What if the tickets are sold out? What if they don’t actually want me to go and they’re just inviting me to be nice? We begin to draw into our own heads and make up things that could go wrong and use them as excuses to not go out.

8. We’ll happily chat up your parents/friends/girlfriend/boyfriend/boss/etc., but once it’s over, we require silence.

After so much talking, we really need to recharge.

9. We’re not always the most talkative people in a group, but if someone is in need of a social life jacket, we can step up and offer that.

Again, we’ll happily chat someone up if the situation arises. We get that conversation can be uncomfortable, so if we see someone who is worse than us at holding a conversation, then we’ll take the initiative to make them feel more comfortable.

10. We live in our heads even if it seems like we put ourselves out there.

Even when we’re being outgoing, our thoughts are still running and analyzing the situation.

11. Because we can be outgoing and calculated at the same time, sometimes we end up being leaders. But that does not mean we want praise, nor do we want to talk about how great we are.

People seem to think that we’re fit to be leaders. We can stand up and talk in front of crowds when we need to. We can make decisions when we need to. But we often analyze ourselves and don’t think highly of our skill sets. Sometimes we don’t believe we’re good enough to lead. We always think we can be better so praise often makes us cringe.

12. We bounce between wanting to be noticed for our hard work to panicking over the thought of somebody else paying more than 30 seconds of attention to us.

Sometimes we want attention, other times it’s hard to believe anyone would spend more than 10 seconds on us.

13. People think we’re flirtatious. We’re not.

We understand that interacting with people is a necessary part of life. So we make an effort to do it intentionally, and genuinely want people to know that they have our undivided interest and attention.

14. We get mad at ourselves for wanting to stay in and letting our friends down.

Which is why we sometimes force ourselves to go out. To let our friends know that we enjoy spending time with them, not because we want to be out.

15. We’re at our happiest in places like coffee shops and cafés: surrounded by people, but still closed off and keeping to yourself.

We just like being around people, even if they’re strangers. It’s the compromise of being around people but not having to talk to them.

16. We have a constant inner struggle of controlling our introverted side.

It’s frustrating because we’ll realize when we start withdrawing into our own minds and become extremely introspective. It happens when we’re in really big crowds. And the only thought is, “Oh no, it’s happening. No. I have to talk to someone now. But it’s so difficult. No. Yes, you have to talk or else you’re going to end up in your head for the rest of the night.”

17. We really don’t like small talk.

We’d avoid small talk if we could. We want to really get to know you. We want to know what you think about, what your goals are, what your family is like. We don’t want to talk about how bad the weather is. But if that’s what you’re comfortable talking about, then we’ll talk about it.

18. We don’t actually have a staple “group” of friends.

We often pick and choose one or two individuals from different social groups that make up our closest friends. But we make this handful of best friends our life and we’d do anything for them.

19. If we like you, we really like you. We’re extremely picky about who we spend our time and energy on. If we’ve hung out multiple times, take it as a compliment.

Seriously. If it’s such a struggle to talk to people and if we get so exhausting going out, it’s a big deal if we’re willing to spend our time and energy with you. It isn’t to say that we’re full of ourselves. We just wouldn’t want to spend that energy with people whose company we don’t enjoy.
Featured photo credit: Unsplash via

How to Communicate With Spirits Safely

how to communicate with spirits
When the door to the spirit world first opens it can be very exciting. Suddenly you are able to gain access into a dimension that is far greater and far more magical than things that we are used to seeing on earth.
Everyone can access the spirit world, but often access doesn’t come until you are truly willing and ready for the experience.
Sometimes however, spirits may come to us without a formal invitation, such as a loved one who has crossed over or through a particular space such as in your home.
Often when a spirit visits us in this way, it is because they have a message of some kind or want to show us something important.
Entering into the spirit world is definitely entering into the unknown, so it is important that anyone looking to connect has a toolbox of protection. 
If you are encountering spirit energy and want to find out more, or if you want to invite a particular spirit into your space, such as a loved one who has crossed over, here is the safest way to go about it.
Note: Connecting with the spirit world is never 100% safe! So make sure you are always exercising caution and following your instincts. 

Step 1: Get Protected

This is the most important part to any connection with spirit. Before opening the door to communication it is important to protect your energy and your space. The best way to do this is to spend some time meditating and charging up your energy. You can do this by imagining a beautiful white light surrounding your entire being.
You can also call on your spirit guides and angels to protect you or use protective crystals such as amethyst.

Step 2: Set A Sacred Space 

If you are wishing to invite a loved one or receive information from a spirit it is important that you create a sacred space first. This sacred space should feel safe and be clear from clutter or distractions.
You can also fill your sacred space with crystals, plants, herbs, candles and other things that make you feel good. Having a pen and paper may also be handy if you want to be able to write things down.

Step 3: Set Your Intention

Once in your sacred space, set your intention for communication. Get clear about the experience that you want to have and be sure to set boundaries and state your intention firmly.
For example, your intention may be-
“I wish to connect with (enter name), I ask that I am guided and protected to hear the messages (name) has for me and that the messages are delivered in a gentle way. I ask my spirit guides and angels to protect me through this process and help me to receive any messages that are necessary.”
If you are uncertain whether the spirit you wish to connect with may be harmful or not, you can call upon your spirit guides to act as a “gatekeeper” between the two of you. This is a good option if you are dealing with any unknown spirits in your house or if you are a first-timer when it comes to connecting.

Just remember, when dealing with unknown spirits, it is best to feel out the energy first. If you pick up on any negative vibes or are uncertain, it is best to leave it to an expert or simply focus on cleansing your home. 
Being scared or fearful is also not a great frame of mind to be in if you want to effectively communicate with spirits, so if you are feeling these things it is best to stop until you can enter into this with a clear mind.

Step 4: Stay Open to the Messages

After setting your intention, start talking to the spirit as if it were already there. Ask it any questions that you wish and wait to see if you hear an answer.
Answers from the spirit world can vary, but you may feel bodily sensations, tingles, see synchronistic signs, sparks of light or hear audible messages. Stay open to the connection and perhaps even write down any experiences that you see or feel.
Tools to help you receive messages from spirit include automatic writing, pendulums and ouija boards.
Pendulums are a great tool for beginners and are far less intimidating than automatic writing or ouija boards.
When it comes to ouija boards I would personally not recommend them unless you are an absolute seasoned expert and have dealt with the spirit world many times before.
During this process it is important to know that you may not get your answer right away. Be patient and gentle and know that you will hear your answers when you are meant to.
It also helps to keep an open mind, often we hear or receive the answers but fail to realise them because it is not as we expected.

Step 5: Close the Door

Once you have finished with your questions, you should close your “session” by announcing that you are done. You may even wish to send off your spirit by saying goodbye and thanking them for their messages.
You then will want to cleanse your space and aura with sage, bells, crystals or incense. This is very important and is definitely not a step to be missed.
As you cleanse your space you may even want to recite a mantra or affirmation such as- “I cleanse and protect this space with light and love, only light and love may dwell here”. 
Even if you didn’t make a connection, it is important that you still do this process and close the session properly.
Learning how to communicate with spirit can be very enlightening. As long as you take steps of protection and don’t rush ahead before you are ready, there is no reason why you can’t experience the benefits of reaching out to the other side.
Just be mindful to always remember to protect yourself and give gratitude and thanks to all spirits that you encounter.
by Tanaaz