Tuesday 31 May 2016

What to Do When Spirits Come Knocking

when spirits come
Has there been a time in your life that the door to the spirit world has opened? Have you had experiences that you cannot explain, heard voices, seen apparitions or felt different energies?
These experiences are more common than you think and if you have ever been curious to explore or deepen your connection to this energy, then this is where to start –

1.) Start With the Connection to Yourself

Whether the door is already open or you want to work on opening it, the first and most important thing to do is develop a strong connection with yourself. This can be done through meditation, morning pages, different alternative therapies or through creative work. Whatever medium you choose, developing an understanding and deeper awareness is paramount to this type of work. You must reach a place where-
  • You understand the ego and how and when it manifests within you
  • You have an awareness about your subconscious thought patterns
  • You are reprogramming your thoughts to focus on positive and mindful intentions
  • You are in tune with your body to know how you feel and are developing your intuition
  • You are regularly journaling or writing down your dreams and thoughts

2.) Have a Tool Box of Protection

Before you even think of dabbling in the spirit world you must acquire a tool box of protection which includes:
  • Establishing a Strong Connection with Your Guides/Angels: Making a connection with your guides is very important in this type of work as they will act as your protectors and guardians. They will also be able to guide you through the process and be a resource to turn to if you ever need to. Establishing a connection is almost impossible if you don’t at least start trying to do step one first. The inner work is important as it helps us to tune in to when we are actually communicating with our guides or not. Here are two important resources- How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides and Ways our Spirit Guides Communicate with Us. If have trouble establishing a connection to your guides, you can start by reaching out to a god/goddess/deity of your choice such as Jesus, Buddha or Archangel Michael etc.
  • Visualizing a White Light of Protection: This is like your spiritual armour and can be programmed to cover you, objects, spaces, and others. While mediating, imagine a white light surrounding your body in your minds eye. Feel how protective it is and trust that no harm can come to you while you are covered. Work on making the light bigger and stronger. Practice using your protective light in everyday situations.
  • Charged Crystals: Crystals and stones can be fantastic tools of protection. There are many crystals for protection such as quartz, smoky quartz, amethyst, black kyanite, celestite and fluorite however, it’s more important that you choose a crystal that resonates with you. (How to Charge a Crystal for Protection.)
  • Prayer/Mantras/Affirmations: Sometimes there is nothing more powerful than saying a prayer or a mantra. It’s best to come up with something that resonates with you but here is a good example- “I am light, I am love, I am safe from all those who are not aligned with the highest of intentions, I call upon my guides and angels for protection. I am grateful that I am looked after.”
  • Smudging: Using sage to cleanse your surroundings and aura is recommended especially after doing any spiritual work or healing. Saging is also great to clear away any negative energies. Here is How to Cleanse Using Sage.
Having a tool box of protection is highly recommended, start with your guides/angels, white light, crystals and then work in your own objects or visualizations that feel right for you.
Vitamin World

3.) State Your Intention and Be Open to Receiving

It’s really important to ask yourself the question- Why? Why do you want to establish or further this connection?
Once you are clear about your intention you can ask your guides and angels to help deliver experiences, information and people towards you that will assist you on your journey. Remember to state your intention clearly, you can be an active participant in what you choose to allow in or not.
The final step is being open to receiving and trusting in your abilities and your connection to yourself and source energy. Experiences will come your way when you are truly ready, willing and open to receiving them.
A Word of Caution:
Dabbling in the spirit world can be fun but it can also be extremely dangerous. If you are genuinely interested in expanding your gifts and abilities, the above three steps will guide you well. What you do after these steps however, is up to you and where your intuition and gifts guide you to go. Jumping ahead before you feel ready can be very, very dangerous which is why at any time, if any of this work makes you feel uncomfortable, stop immediately and use your tools of protection.
by Tanaaz

How Yoga Made Me Respect The Hell Out Of My Body

How Yoga Made Me Respect The Hell Out Of My Body Hero Image
I can remember my 10-year-old self looking into a full-length mirror and thinking I was "bigger than the other girls." I wasn't. Yet an unhealthy relationship with my body persisted from that day on.
Years of volleyball, starting in grade school, made my thighs bulky and muscular. I stuck to dresses and never wore jeans or shorts for fear of looking heavy in my lower half. Black became my default wardrobe when I read in a teen magazine that the color was slimming. Every time I looked in the mirror, I found something that wasn't good enough, something that I would change.
I wasn't alone in this either. I heard it in the lamenting "Ugh, I look so fat" from the girl next to me at the sink in the high school bathroom. I'd watch my friends untag themselves from photos because they didn't like how they looked. Dissatisfaction was the norm and still is today for many women.
The expectations placed on us and how we're supposed to look are nearly impossible to achieve. It's no wonder that I struggled for years to make peace with my body! Now when I think about the anxiety and hours I wasted obsessing, all I wish is that I could have that time back.
Yoga changed everything for me.
I'd always been flexible so I tried out a yoga class because I figured I'd be good at it. I was immediately hooked. The quiet space, cool people, and natural high I felt after a class kept me coming back for more.
Even in the yoga studio—the one place that's supposed to be free of judgment—I often caught myself playing the comparison game. I would try in vain not to stare at the beautiful people in their standing splits. Jealousy would rear its ugly head, and I'd wonder why I didn't have so-and-so's body or why I couldn't yet make a headstand look effortless.
Until one day in class the voices in my head quieted long enough for me to catch a glimpse of my own power.
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I looked in the mirror and saw the strong, muscular legs that I had hated for so long. The epiphany hit me that those legs allowed me to hold poses that the twig limbs I once longed for couldn't handle. I saw my shoulders and arms that were tight and toned from countless chaturangas. My skin glowed with health and newfound calmness as a huge grin broke across my face.
I left that yoga class walking on air. A shift was starting to take place in the way I looked at myself. Rather than criticizing my body based on what it looked like, I began appreciating everything I was capable of doing. I no longer cared as much about looking a certain way. Instead, I started to work toward accomplishing feats of strength and flexibility. Working toward advanced poses (and achieving them!) has made me grateful for a body that can move and bend and hold itself upside down.
It's still a challenge at times to stay positive and not fall back into old habits of criticism. Maintaining a regular practice helps, as does pausing to take a deep breath and mentally list three things I'm grateful that my body can do.
Nowadays, when I notice myself looking in the mirror and thinking about what I'd change, I redirect my thoughts to be thankful for my health. Yoga gave me the perfect body by helping me to appreciate the one I already had. I don't have washboard abs, and I'm OK with that. But this beautiful, capable body is the place my soul calls home, and I'm making every effort to respect that.

Monday 30 May 2016

How The 6 Phase Meditation Transformed My Life

How The 6 Phase Meditation Transformed My Life
This post was originally published on Whole Life Challenge, and is written by Chris Holder.

There are three time investments every person should make to help themselves thrive:

  1. Make time for the divine. It’s my firm belief that your personal, intimate relationship with your sense of divinity (whatever that is to you) is your lifeline. Take time to cultivate that relationship like you do with every other relationship in your life.
  2. Make time to exercise daily. Doesn’t have to be long, but make time to move for the million reasons we all know.
  3. Make time for meditation.
When I say “meditation,” I’m talking about a specific meditation that has completely redirected my life.
It is a simple, yet profound practice that when done daily can focus every aspect of your existence. It’s called the 6 Phase Meditation.

A Little About Me — And How I’m Like You

I’ve lived a blessed life. I have a healthy, beautiful family. I love my job. I live in a place where most people vacation.
I have worked myself into every opportunity that I have been given and have a sense of complete ownership to my future.
I am in a spiritual space that has nurtured my soul in ways I can’t even begin to describe and my relationship with the Divine is as strong as I’ve ever wanted.
Chris Holder and son Logi
Me and my son (image credit: Chris Holder)
Despite a moderate addiction to energy drinks and perpetually being in a state of needing to lose a few, I have what I’ve always dreamed of.
What more could a guy ask for? Well, as most of us experience, you get locked down in the day-to-day so much that when you stop to take inventory of where you are and where you are headed, everything feels a little (or a lot) off. I am no exception.
I have some fairly lofty entrepreneurial dreams and have carved out a plan on how I want to achieve them.
The first step in my plan was a rather large, but necessary one to get my entrepreneurial ball rolling: I needed to write. I needed to get my name out and get my ideas down on paper (or the screen), but I had no idea how I was going to get this done.
Then one afternoon, I was flipping through my Facebook feed and stumbled upon a video of a guy named Vishen Lakhiani talking to a group of people in Dublin, Ireland.
I was familiar with Lakhiani and his company Mindvalley because I had bought some products from him in the past.
I clicked on this presentation, and 35 minutes later I was holding in my hand many of the answers to the questions I’ve always had.
The 6 Phase Meditation is a 21-minute guided meditation that will help you organize and address some of the most pressing issues we all face.
This is a not a specific religious- or cultural-based meditation. It’s an all-comers practice that nurtures the most focused devotee to the complete newb to meditation.
Narrated by Vishen Lakhiani himself, the practice takes you through what he feels are the six essentials everyone needs in their lives to thrive.
Beyond all of the benefits agreed upon by science when it comes to meditation, this particular meditation is geared to have you reflect on things in your life. With the proper amount of focus, this practice can change your life, maybe even the first time you try it.
Wrapped up in one tidy little package, the 6 Phase Meditation unfolds like this:
Eye of Horus 

Phase 1: Love and Compassion

In Lakhiani’s words, compassion is, “Expressing the intention of moving from judgement to caring, from isolation to connection, from indifference or dislike to understanding… this phase is about feeling connected to other people and having a sense of compassion towards them.”
As you are guided through this phase, you are taken from your sense of compassion for yourself, to the space you are in, and then out through your neighborhood, the town you live in, the region in which you reside, your home country, and then to our place globally on the earth.
Most of us have a considerable disconnection to people in our own families, let alone what is happening to people in other countries.
This phase plugs us back into not only ourselves and our immediate lives but also our place in the world.

Phase 2: Gratitude

This second phase is bigger than any of us will ever understand. According to Lakhiani, science shows that gratitude can give us more energy, create higher emotional intelligence, provide a more forgiving attitude, lessen depression and anxiousness, provide a sense of social connection, improve sleep, and ward off headaches, to name just a few benefits.
In this phase, you focus on three things you feel grateful for in your personal life, three things in your business life, and three things you are grateful for in yourself.
Most of us spend our time worrying and brooding over the future and rarely take inventory of what is going well right this minute. The gratitude phase puts a light on those things we currently have going which we are grateful for.

Phase 3: Forgiveness

In the world we live today, we need this one more than ever. Lakhiani reflects that forgiveness, at a minimum, is the decision to let go of the desire for revenge or ill-will toward the person who wronged you. It can also include feelings of good will toward the other person.
This phase, for me, is always a struggle, which I know means it carries the biggest potential for change.
The grudges and judgements we have about others carry significant energetic charges that can radically alter our mood, health, and feelings about our fellow man.
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Phase 4: Future Dreaming

This is the first phase where you don’t look at yourself now, but instead begin to write the blueprint for the future.
Lakhiani has you look at where you see your life three years from now.
How will your life look? Your love life? Your health and your body? Your career or business? Are you happy and content with where you are this minute or can you visualize a life that will make you happy, one that shows you thriving in any and every facet of your existence?
Future dreaming creates the space to let your wants and needs take shape. Instead of brooding over how the success is going to take place, you spend time looking at the fruits of those successes and the happiness around those situations. This phase is about momentum.

Phase 5: Perfect Day

The fifth phase entails forming a picture of what you would consider to be the perfect day, today.
With your Future Dreaming in mind, how can today support your vision of three years from now? Create the movie of today in your mind and watch it from beginning to end.
This is about seeing your morning, your interactions with colleagues and loved ones, the successful meeting you will have this afternoon, and the wonderful meal you will share with your family when you return home. This phase sets up the day that is about to unfold.
You can go into your day and allow the little things to steal your thunder, or you can actually plan how you are going to be happy all day.
It’s all a choice when we strip away the nonsense.

Phase 6: The Blessing

Assuming you have a higher power, this phase is geared toward connecting to that energy and asking for support for the first five phases.
You’ve done your due diligence by sending the world love and compassion. You’ve examined your life and given gratitude where it belongs. You’ve forgiven someone in your life to put the weight of a grudge down. You’ve taken the time to plan out not only the future but also a perfect today.
It is now time to reach out to your sense of divinity to supply you with endless energy to support the earlier work.
This is also where the meditation concludes.

The Complete Meditation

I’ve studied numerous spiritual systems. What I can tell you is that each of them govern their theology around compassion, love, forgiveness, and taking personal responsibility for yourself and your development.
And in all the years I have been seeking, nothing I’ve done has been more thorough and complete than the 6 Phase Meditation. This practice will hit all the major points and extends you to bettering yourself in a way I’ve never encountered.
The good news is, you can get this meditation free through the Omvana app on your phone. Once this app downloads, open it and you will find this and several other free meditations that you can use at any time of the day. This article is not an advertisement or a promotion — I simply think this meditation is priceless and needs to shared.

My 6 Phase Meditation Experience

So, what became of my entrepreneurial dreams and the hoops I had to jump through? In June of 2015, I began using the 6 Phase Meditation as my morning ritual. I set my mind on using this practice to restructure how my life was unfolding.
Writing was the first of several major hurdles to position myself and my business where I wanted it.
Three weeks after starting this daily routine, I hosted a kettlebell certification at my weight room and Andrew Read came in from Australia to be the head instructor. After spending a week with Andrew and becoming fast friends, he connected me with his editor at Breaking Muscle, an online encyclopedia of strength training and fitness and a site with millions of readers.
This was a break I could only dream of.
I submitted my first article to the editor and the rest is history. Fast forward five months later. I now write monthly for four separate websites, all of which have massive followings.
Ironically, my editor at Breaking Muscle stepped away for a new position and I received a lovely email from her inquiring if I would be interested in working with her on her new endeavor. That new website? The Whole Life Challenge — and here we are.


3 Warning Signs You Need To Clear Negative Energy

There comes a certain point in our lives that we must admit that there is too much negativity for us to handle all at once. This is more than okay to admit and doesn't mean you're weak in anyway at all.
Some people have a really hard time ridding themselves of that negativity and then eventually it consumes them, then becomes their way of living every single day of their life.
Do not let this negativity win you over. There are some signs that indicate that it may be time for you to detox yourself from some of the unnecessary negative things in your life!

Constantly Wanting To Be Alone

If you are constantly finding yourself needing to be alone away from other people, this is a pretty big indication that you need to get rid of the negativity in your life.
The first step to ending this problem is realizing when it's happening and then stopping right there. Once you realize you want to be away from people, ask yourself why and then choose a more positive direction to go from there.
Hamilton Island 

Constantly Feeling Depressed Or Anxious

If you are feeling utter sorrow and despair as you go about your day or that you feel like a never ending mess of anxiety, this is one of the biggest warning signs it's time for you to start a negativity cleanse.
Take some time off for yourself to really start mentally healing yourself. Practicing meditation, exercise, eating healthy, and a variety of other things that relate to those can help you tremendously when it comes to standing up to depression and anxiety.

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Constantly Exhausted When Talking To People

If you find yourself having a hard time keeping a conversation with someone you know and feel as if it's one of the most exhausting conversations you've ever had, this is also one of the biggest warning signs you need a negativity cleanse. The solution to this problem is simply to be more of an active listener. Why is this the solution?
Because if you devote all of your attention to that person who is speaking, you are no longer focusing on the negativity you feel within yourself and are actually paying attention to what the person is trying to tell you. You may actually enjoy where the conversation goes!

Sunday 29 May 2016

Continue your learning journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth

This year’s Hay House World Summit was their best year yet with over 525,000 people listening in from all over the globe.

I know you’ll love continuing your learning journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Hay House loves to support you through your positive transformations – that’s why they offer these amazing World Summit Packages – with you in mind! When you revisit lessons, you actually create new patterns in your brain and this is where real change happens!

Even if you missed the event, you still have a chance to experience it through the Hay House World Summit packages.

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to own the entire summit and these powerful bonuses!

Last Chance to Buy World Summit Packages - Offer Expires June 1, 11:59 PM ET!
The Hay House World Summit Packages have all you need to heal, prosper and thrive – all in one place to access anytime you need!

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Bonus #1: Hay House Wisdom Community 1-Year Platinum Membership ($79 Value)
As a Wisdom Community Platinum Member you join our Elite learning program with our premium benefits including:
·         Monthly Free Online Course
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Bonus #2: Connect with Your Angels Online Course ($50 Value)
Angels can help us in a wide variety of ways and this course will enable you get to know your angels at a soul level, open up your spiritual practice and feel a much deeper connection.

You don’t have to have any special gifts to be able to work with the angels – you just need to learn how to uncover the connection that’s already inside you. Angel expert Kyle Gray will show you how you can achieve this through meditating, tuning in and opening up your spiritual energy centers. 
During this six-lesson online course, you will learn:
·         About the different types of angels and how they each work
·         How to talk to the angels and listen to their responses
·         Prayers, meditations and affirmations that will help you with different needs
·         How to open up your spiritual centers for a deeper connection
·         Ways to send healing to loved ones and those in need
·         How to interpret signs from the angels
·         Techniques to raise your vibration and activate spiritual protection
·         How to give an angel card reading

Bonus #3: Lucid Dreaming Online Course ($50 Value) 
Lucid dreams have transformed aspects of so many people's lives – why not learn how to make the most of all that time you spend sleeping?
Throw open the doors of perception and wake up to your true potential!
Becoming conscious in your dreams can absolutely transform your waking reality in ways you may not have thought possible.
During the six-lesson course, you'll learn:
·         How to remember your dreams when you wake up
·         How to recognize the landscape of your dreams
·         How to identify when you're dreaming
·         How to slip effortlessly into the lucid dream state
·         How to choreograph your dream experience
·         How to write a dream plan to bring growth and healing to your life

Bonus #4: Introduction to Crystals Online Course ($50 Value)
Crystals have been revered for thousands of years as amazing tools that can offer you physical and emotional healing, help you to manifest your desires, offer you answers to your questions, and support you to follow your calling.
Judy will take you through the crystals she uses herself on a daily basis, and guide you on how to work with them to protect your energy and manifest the changes you desire. From designing crystal grids to creating amazing potions, this is a masterclass in working with crystals.
During this seven-lesson online course, you will learn:
·         The history of crystals
·         How to choose your crystals
·         Tools for cleansing, programming and grounding
·         How to create beautiful crystal layouts
·         How to make powerful crystal essences
·         How to use crystals for space clearing and protection
·         Techniques for emotional and mental healing
·         Access a higher consciousness

Thursday 26 May 2016

Bob Proctor Reveals 'The Ultimate Secret' Beyond The Law Of Attraction

Don’t be afraid to move on.

“Sometimes you just have to turn the page to realize there’s more to your book of life than the page you’re stuck on. 
Stop being afraid to move on. 
Close this chapter of hurt, and never re-read it. 
It’s time to get what your life deserves, and move on from the things that don’t deserve you. Don’t try to fix what’s been broken in your past, let your future create something better.”
— Trent Shelton


Wednesday 25 May 2016

14 Secrets To Happiness & Living Well From The Most Inspiring Commencement Speeches Ever

14 Secrets To Happiness & Living Well From The Most Inspiring Commencement Speeches Ever Hero Image
It's that time of year again. Kids K–12 are running amok on the streets in the middle of the day, beach trips and barbecues are being planned with a feverish urgency, and young adults (by turns tentative and raucous) are wandering the streets in—or holding tightly onto—caps and gowns.

No matter how long it's been since you graduated college (or even if you never did), the flood of graduates is bound to bring up memories of your own youthful naiveté, nostalgia for your once untested dreams, and a tendency to reflect on the life choices you've made since—on the person you've become.

So, in honor of 2016's brand-new graduates, and to remind you of all the warm fuzzies you (hopefully) felt on your own commencement day, here are 14 of the most inspirational quotes from the last 15 years of graduation speeches. (And yes, your favorite celebrity probably makes an appearance.)

Steve Jobs (Harvard, 2005)

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."

Ellen Degeneres (Tulane, 2009)

"Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else's path unless you're in the woods and you're lost and you see a path; then by all means you should follow that."

J.K. Rowling (Harvard, 2008)

"I hope that even if you remember not a single word of mine, you remember those of Seneca, another of those old Romans I met when I fled down the Classics corridor, in retreat from career ladders, in search of ancient wisdom: As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters."

Jim Carrey (Maharishi University, 2014)

"Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about your pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what’s happening here, and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear. So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, so we never dare to ask the universe for it."

Neil Gaiman (University of the Arts, 2012)

"And now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make good art."

Ed Helms (Knox College, 2013)

"So long as your desire to explore is greater than your desire to not screw up, you're on the right track. A life oriented toward discovery is infinitely more rewarding than a life oriented toward not blowing it."

Susan Sontag (Vassar, 2003)

"It's hard not to be afraid. Be less afraid."

Larry Page (University of Michigan, 2009)

"It is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams... Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition."

Jennifer Lee (University of New Hampshire, 2014)

"When you are free from self-doubt, you fail better."

Dalai Lama (Tulane, 2013)

"Despite difficulties, always keep optimism. ‘I can overcome these difficulties.’ That mental attitude itself will bring inner strength and self-confidence."

Will Ferrell (Harvard, 2003)

"As you set off into the world, don't be afraid to question your leaders. But don't ask too many questions at one time or that are too hard because your leaders get tired and/or cranky."

David Brooks (Sewanee, 2013)

"The daily activity that contributes most to happiness is having dinner with friends. The daily activity that detracts most from happiness is commuting. Eat more. Commute less."

Chris Gardner (Berkeley, 2009)

"The balance in your life is more important than the balance in your checking account."

Sue Monk Kidd (Scripps College, 2010)

"One of the more powerful outbreaks of happiness and meaning in your life will occur when you pair your passion with the world's need."

6 Uncomfortable Feelings That Actually Mean You're Evolving

If you are starting to feel certain uncomfortable feelings at this point in your life and you aren't exactly sure how to cope with them, do not worry. This is a very normal process that everyone must go through in their life.
As you continue to grow each and everyday, so do your feelings. Change in general is a very hard thing to cope with.

Experiencing Intense Dreams?

If you have started having strange and indescribable dreams as of lately, this is just your subconscious soaking up all the change that has happened in your life. Your mind has a funny way of projecting the way you feel in your dreams and how you would normally try to handle a situation.
Do not worry about these strange dreams, they will go away the more comfortable you become with the sudden new way of living.

Wish Things Were The Same?

If you still wish that things were still the same, this is also more than normal. Longing for the same comfortable feelings you had once before, this change can seem like the end of days.
This is not the case and as much as you wish to go back in time, you are still going to have to learn how to cope with this same unfamiliar feelings. Take things in strides, one at a time, slowly, and you will realize that this change may not be so bad after all!
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Scared Of The Future?

The future is very far away from you even in this moment of time of your life. You may think the future is something that holds way too much change, but what you should be worrying about is what's happening in the present moment.
Do not look so far ahead that you do not want to see what the future even looks like. Let yourself be present, be one with the day you are in now, find the things you love to do, change will come in it's own sweet time so you don't even have to worry about the future. Take the time to just "be".

Intense Sorrow?

Perhaps the change in your life was a major loss that you are trying to get over. Feeling an intense wave of sorrow can certainly lower your overall mood, motivation, and pretty much everything else. It is okay to wallow after something drastic has happened. Just do not let yourself become consumed with despair and eventually become depressed.
Even with this sad change in your life, you must keep moving forward for yourself, your loved ones, and for those who are no longer with you. Be that light you wish to see.
Tea Box

Questioning Your Friendships?

If you have begun to question your friendships, you must stop thinking this way. Thinking that you are not able to continue with your personal relationships because something has changed in your life may be a little reckless depending on what it is.
Really consider the consequences before you burn any bridges at all. You may never get to see those people ever again after you've cut those ties.

Feeling Confrontational?

Perhaps the new change in your life is making you a lot more confrontational about the things in your life. This is more than okay to feel this way.
If you were really shy before this change and feel the need to make yourself known to those around you more often, then continue to be this way! Being honest, confrontational, and brave gives people the idea that you are ready for this change and that you are not scared of what happens next!